Saturday, February 7, 2009

Panties or Sex?

It's been forever since I was last here... forgot the password! Don't ever get old.

But I'm back and would love to renew this place. So here's the question - for those of us afflicted with this love for women's silken underthings, is sex what happens with her or with her panties? Or is it both?

Growing up, long before I knew the glorious pleasures that women would add to my life, the answer was pretty simple. The difficulty later when I knew both kinds of sex was to choose between them. While enjoying the solitary pleasures a pair of silky panties can provide, I'd often think about how much better it would be if I could somehow introduce my lover to my secret love.

It worked the other way around as well - wondering as I basked in those glorious moments I shared with her, what new higher highs might be possible if only I were brave enough to bring my dark secret out in the open with her. But the risk of losing her always outweighed the potential gains - and so those were words left unspoken.

Sound familiar? Who of us has not wrestled with whether to shine a light onto the secret life we all lead - to risk it all in the hope that our lover would still love us once she knew how much we'd been lusting after - not another woman, but something she wears! Who hasn't been in a group where someone brought up a news story about some poor soul who'd been busted for stealing a pair (or more) of panties. Like me, did you wonder if you had laughed loudly enough to fit in... yet deep inside you felt the culprits shame and embarrassment?

Some lucky brothers have found a partner who not only accepts their panty mania, but have even incorporated it into their lives together. I do think that is the minority experience, and most of us are left to struggle how we are to make sense of a life where we must find ways to feed our secret lusts without being found out.

I've changed the masthead photo on this group because I think this one captures perfectly the dilemma. What a wickedly beautiful woman she is! Who would not have all manner of fantasy about how to spend an hour or day with her. But visitors to this site know there is another side to this picture - the complication delivered by the delicious, silky nylon briefs that cover her perfect bottom. So back to my initial question... is sex for us what happens with a pretty woman or what we also might do with her panties?

I'd love to hear your thoughts - how do you dealt with this dark duality? I must admit I'm at a loss.