Friday, December 28, 2007

"Panty Confessions" Continues...

Two years ago under the name of "Gusseteer" I created a blog that I am unable to moderate any longer ( (duh!! forgot the password).

Interestingly though I've posted nothing new there since those first few months, that amazing and uncared for blog continues to attract much attention from the panty fetish community. Obviously this speaks volumes about the need to have a place where real issues about our gentle fetish can be explored honestly, openly and without guilt.

Hopefully this blog can also become a place where those whose lives are complicated by being involved with one of us can raise their questions and concerns (a few already have replied at Panty Confessions). As in any good confessional, no name calling, flaming or other trash talking. All other questions or comments are welcome - join me in a discussion of what this woefully unexplored fetish is truly all about.

I plan to continue what was begun, but also to carry it forward to explore some of the more difficult subjects that are part of panty fetishists' lives.

One of those difficult issues gives rise to the name of this Blog: Panty Tontine.

Many of us are older men, and as we ponder the knotty issue of our mortality, the haunting question arises: "what is to become of our stashes" - the secretly stored collections of panties (and/or other lingerie) we have collecting, sometimes for years? At Panty Confessions I talked about how I have gone through endless Purge/Binge cycles with my collecting, and the panty brotherhood universally acknowledged that they too had each had that sad experience - many many times.

I have spent many long hours talking with friends, looking for a reasonable plan for how we can sanely dispose of our (sometimes quite valuable) stashes when we pass on to be with that great gusseteer in the sky. But how to resolve things without creating yet another "purge" event, this time caused by our unsuspecting (and embarrassed!) families doing the only thing they can think of - tossing it all into the bin! Thus the search for a better solution... perhaps a Panty Tontine?

More on that later... in the meantime, I'm happy you've found us. If from this first meandering post you're still not sure what my point of view is, I invite you to go visit the original site (link above) where you will find those first four posts and the many, many thoughtful responses they've elicited.

So Welcome... the Confessional is Re-opened!


Wabberjock said...

This is a very interesting discussion, but I'm not sure that there is any ultimate answer. The problem of hiding the evidence of our various fetishes is one we all struggle with, and nobody has been able to solve. I guess an external storage site that some other trusted person has access to is one solution, but not a practical one for me. I don't know how many of us have chosen that one, but I'll bet that if they have, they still have at least a small private stash some place more accessible that can still be discovered. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I find that for me, my love of panties dictates having at least a few close at hand, which could be discovered at any time.

I love wearing panties, and I also have another strong interest that is tied in with panties, and exists in printed form - I am very excited by fantasies of women fighting wearing bra and panties. For myself, I have long ago come to terms with these fetishes (I don't really like the word) for the simple reason that they exist only in fantasy form and only in my mind, and nobody ever really gets hurt. However, I know, and everybody reading this knows, that others would not be so understanding. I've been able to enjoy these fantasies my whole life (I'm 57 now), while still
maintaining job, marriage, three children, and all the outward trappings of a normal life. But the phrase that was used earlier, "a secret life", resonated strongly with me because I've always felt that I have this secret inner place where nobody has ever gone.

In a sense, I have it a little easier than others because my wife knows a about it. Years ago, I went away on a ski trip and she decided to surprise me and clean out my rather cluttered home office and she found my stash. She confronted me with it when I came home and we talked. I tried to explain that it was part of my sexuality, that I had tried many times to banish it from my life, but had never been successful. She let me know firmly that she didn't like it and didn't want it to be part of our sexual life, and so it hasn't. But the point is, if I died today, she would find the stash and dispose of it, without the shock of new discovery.

But that leaves my children, who would definitely be shocked. If something happened to both my wife and I, and they were left to clean up, I have no idea what they would think. I don't like to think about it.

The femfight stuff is different, everyone would be shocked about that. As I mentioned, I'm at peace with it, because it's just fantasy and I have no desire to see or experience the reality, I don't really like to see anyone hurt, but again, it's never been explained to anyone. (To get a better sense, if you're interested, see my Yahoo group, "Catfight Artwork",

I guess there is no answer for me. I try to be careful and not throw this in my wife's face or demand that she accept something she doesn't like. I have a few friends I've contacted over the years through newsgroups, Yahoo groups, and other means, people I've never met like Bill Turlock, with whom I correspond and share stories. I have a secret eBay account that I use for purchases (hooray for eBay!) and a few favorite Sellers there who specialize in the kind of old-fashioned full brief panties I love. And that's really the best I can do.

Finding a blog like this, and the empathetic people who run it and surround it, and being able to share thoughts, is one of the best things. Thanks for making it available, and thanks for opening up this topic.

INDY said...

Thank you for your insightful comment. I agree that the prospect of coming up with a simple solution for the "stash" question will not be easy, nor will there probably be only one strategy.

Perhaps the most tangible benefit will be to make members of this silent brotherhood aware that there is a place where they can safely talk about their secret life and also to get them thinking about their futures.

We've all felt the isolation of this lifestyle; ashamed of who we are. I hope from this little start, we can begin to build links between our isolated brothers as we look for ways to unravel those knotty, naughty stash problems.

Please keep coming by... hopefully we can build some momentum here over the next few weeks and months.

Keep on Keeping on!

vfnylon said...
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vfnylon said...

Hi indy

Great to finally see a blog on what we love. I am one lucky one because my wife dont mind my panty fetish. She has known for 20 years that i have been collecting vintage nylon full cut panties/lingerie. And yes I do wear them 24/7.


INDY said...

Hey, welcome VF... good to see you again!

It's important to hear the message you bring here too - that there are women who are not threatened by their partner having this love affair with panties.

The wise woman will recognize that she's not in competition with our fetish and if we hear the message you bring, those women have found that their relationships are stronger for sharing life much more completely!

Bravo my friend... keep on coming back!

Marvin The Martian said...


I'm looking forward to posting a few Confessions, Thoughts, and maybe some Links (with Permission!).

Oh, I've got to type Women's Panties at least once because I even love to spell out the Words!
