The ultimate goal of this Blog is two fold… first to create a safe home where men with panty (and other similar) fetishes can talk about their shadow lives, feel better about themselves and perhaps to even gain a few useful insights into the stuff that drives us to be what we are.
Second will be to try to create a worldwide think tank of sorts where we ponder how "collectors" of vintage panties and other fine lingerie – can deal with the knotty issue of how our collections (stashes) should be dealt with when we toddle off to meet that great Gusseteer in the sky. I’m not concerned with mainstream lingerie collectors, but only those whose collecting is driven by a fetish for the items.
I'd venture a guess that many of you who’ve stopped by will find yourself resonating with the terrifying question of what might happen if you dropped over today. What would your family think to suddenly discover not only that you lead a secret, shadow life, but that they must now decide what to do with the (possibly huge) stash of panties and who knows what else you’ve left behind?
The embarrassment alone is enough to have kept most of us from thinking about this horrifying problem. Many years ago I started this conversation with my friend Bill Turlock, who runs Lingerie Lovers & Panty Art ( We spent more time talking about the crisis part than coming up with a viable solution. Though it was a concern, and because there didn’t seem to be an easy answer, it ultimately never got much play in our always too busy lives.
But we continued to age, and continued to talk about this problem of “final disposition”. But it was only after each of us confessed to having this same conversation with many others in the panty underground, did it become apparent that we were not the only ones troubled by the issue of what to do with our most valued possessions.
Thus, I’ve launched the Panty Tontine Blog - where together we can begin the search for an answer.
None of us of course can bear to think about what sort of disastrous decisions our surprised, and horrified family members will make. What they'll choose to do with our, often irreplaceable, stuff is almost unthinkable. I know several men whose stashes are easily valued in the tens of thousands of dollars – and there are others who I am sure own far more than that, so the issue is more complicated than simple embarrassment.
What happens in a crisis? Besides dying, what happens if you become disabled and someone must take over managing your affairs? Worse still, what happens if your spouse or life mate discovers your secret? Being “Busted” is probably our deepest and darkest fear, no?
How many of us have a good enough friend, who we can tell about our fetish, and about the secret stash? Someone who we can ask to step in and take possession of those precious items in just such a crisis? The answer for most of us probably is “none"!”
It’s not that those friends aren't around... it can happen. I’ve been asked by two close friends to be that “fail safe” friend, and am in possession of keys to their public storage units, each of which is filled to the ceilings with extremely rare and quite valuable lingerie. I am their "fail safe", but not many of us have that luxury. The issue is a difficult one to sort out… one made doubly difficult by the isolated, shadow world that drives our fetish activities.
A month or so ago, one of my friends (with one of the mentioned storage units) went through a full blown “Busted” crisis. His wife discovered the existence of his storage unit and demanded to see what was in it! He was traveling and could not get home, and when he did get there, he needed to take her over to the unit with him.
I was asked to step in and drove the 200+ miles to his unit to manage the safe transition of his stash to a new location. The timing was good for me this time, but going forward, he knows he may not be so lucky again. He is joining Bill and I (and hopefully many of you!) in the creation of this forum to begin the serious discussion of what guys like us can do next.
The good news is that we already have a loosely formed underground "brotherhood" made up of very creative people: lawyers, salesmen, business executives, doctors, engineers, teachers... you name it, we’ve probably got them as part of this brotherhood of panty fetishists. We know of each other through Internet sites we all may have visited.
The next task is to figure out how to join all our heads together, feed off each other's ideas and come up with a solution or solutions that make more sense than just giving up. Let's not have to say: "After I'm gone I guess it'll be someone else's problem". As a group we’re more responsible than that!
We’ve probably all seen movies where a group of men join together in a pact where the “prize” is a fine bottle of brandy, some property or other valuable. For lack of a better concept, that’s why I've decided to call this Blog “Panty Tontine”. It seems that part of the solution involves finding a way to pass along our secret stashes - to someone who values them in the same way we do. Making our stash a part of our "estate" does not seem to be an option for most of us!
This Tontine idea won't be like those classic, “last man standing wins” tontines. But there seems to be wisdom in joining together with other like minded souls to find a better solution than to force our embarrassed relatives to give our stuff to Good Will or worse yet, to just toss it in the bin!
Lots of knotty problems remain - legal questions, storage space, money and someone to manage the process are just the start. But until we begin thinking and talking about the issue, nothing will ever get done. I’ve launched this Blog as a forum for exploring brilliant ideas.
We also have a strong panty and soft fetish underground network… so in that light I’ve also sent notes out to some of the “giants” in the panty world (Bill Turlock, Sheerio, Sonia Dane and many others), asking if they’ll link to us, and help us in this quest. They can help us get the word out that there is a place to talk about "what happens next".
Sorry this has been such a long rant… but those who already know me know that when I get passionate about something, I write and write and write…
Hopefully this Blog will become a regular part of your online life… and going forward, I hope it will become a part of your everyday thinking as well. OK brothers, put your thinking caps on and let’s get this thing going!
INDY – Chief High Gusseteer!
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Glad to see you back, "Gusseteer".
I have spoken briefly to you before about this issue. There are many complex issues to be addressed here. What are the triggers to initiate a rescue and perhaps ultimately an inheritance of someone's stash ? What are the legal issues to be resolved here ? The personal collections must be legal separated from the main estate of that person somehow. I personal don't have a hugh collection, but it is still an issue for me, especially residing here in the UK. I also have the issue of a personal collection of amateur erotic photos and negatives to deal with. I don't want to destroy these at some point in the future, but neither do I want to leave them behind to be discovered by family. I have considered the idea of some kind of "time capsule" to preserve them. This will not be of any help to those with very large collections. Perhaps we would need to form some kind of benevelent trust to take control and store these personal collections. Trustees would need to be appointed etc. Anyone have any further ideas ?......Bear
Just discovered your blogs. You raise a very good question. I am a panty wearer, not primarily a collector. My wife cheerfully accepts this; it keeps me horny and leads to great sex. My stash is in the hundreds, not the thousands, so home closet storage works out.
Here is an idea, maybe impractical. Have a central list of potential buyers of our collections. The executor (in a side letter) could be told to contact the list members for possible sale. The problems are: Who runs the list? A law firm? Who pays them? Would the list absolutely remain secret? I dunno.
Unfortunately this will be my first and last post. Today my wife installs WebWatcher on my computers to shut down my access to internet pornography, lingerie, and blogs like this. I've been locked up in a CB-3000 for over a year, with only infrequent releases, but I figured out how to masturbate while watching internet videos. So we agreed to lock down my computers and re-secure hers. My confession earned me another month without release. It keeps my balls aching inside my lacy nylon panties, which is part of my submission to her.
That's my combination of sexual triggers. Hope you all enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. So long and good luck.
Well, Indy, I guess I can't make much of a contribution here. I own the grand total of eight pairs.
Fred, it may be too late for you to read this, but I also am a (part time) wearer, not a collector. But I gotta say, you're a lucky guy to serve a Mistress like your wife!
Indy, I know what you mean by having someone to trust with our "stuff" if something terrible should happen. One local radio DJ calls this person a "shovel buddy". You have some good ideas!
Hi Indy, welcome back! Not sure if you've heard of geocaching, but it could offer a solution for some panty collectors. Basically, one person hides things at an exact location outdoors somewhere and notates the location via GPS. Then the location could be given to their fail safe buddy. Perhaps if the fail safe doesn't hear from the guy in three months time, he goes to the spot and digs up the panties, which would be in a waterproof container of some sort.
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